Tuesday 19 May 2015

The stress

     Stress is a normal reaction ,that we feel it almost every day. Specially for college students, they are always under the pressure in their college lives. Believe it or not, ''Stress can be positive, keeping us alert and ready to avoid danger''. (www.webmd.com). We needs the pressure to move forward much faster and to achieve our goals more quickly. Also, the stress can assistance human beings to be more careful and cautious about their future. However, it is crucial to know, the excessive of tension can also affect your academic performance in college in a bad way. ''Stress also becomes harmful when people use alcohol,or drugs to try to relieve their stress''.(www.webmd.com)

     How to deal with the stress or how to reduce the range of the tension? When you the stress just open 
the door and breath some fresh air. change your atmosphere even just for few minutes. It is important to 
take a break from time to time. Do something you like to do in your free times such as, listening to music,
practicing some Yoga, reading a book,,etc. However, if you feel that the level of your tension reached a high 
stage. In this case you have to see a psychiatrist immediately. 

1 comment:

  1. Yoga works for me. I bet you feel relieved of stress now that I can read your blog. :D
